Good Practices for SEO Products URL Structure

September 12, 2024
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Imagine you’re trying to find something in a huge store without any signs.

Frustrating, right?

Well, the same goes for search engines and users when they encounter a messy URL.

Good practices for SEO products URL structure help make your website easy to find and navigate.

Product SEO helps boost your individual product pages so they rank higher, get more traffic, and increase sales.

What is the Basic Structure of a URL?  

A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is like your website’s address.

Here’s what makes up a URL:

  • Protocol: This is like the house number, showing whether it’s HTTP or HTTPS.
  • Domain Name: Think of this as the street name, like
  • Path: This is the specific room or apartment, like /product-category/product-name.

Each part of a URL helps search engines and users understand where they are going.

How Do I Format a URL for SEO?  

Creating URLs for SEO is like setting up clear signs in your store. Here’s how to do it:

Use Keywords in URLs  

Using keywords in your URLs is like putting up a sign that says “Fresh Apples” instead of “Product 123”.

For instance, is better than

Keep it Simple and Descriptive  

Your URL should tell people and search engines exactly what’s on the page.

Avoid weird codes or extra numbers.

A straightforward URL, like, works best.

Avoid Special Characters  

Special characters like &, %, $, and @ can confuse things.

Stick with letters and hyphens to keep it simple.

What are the Best Practices for URL Length?  

The length of your URL matters. Here are some tips:

Keep URLs Short  

Shorter URLs are like easy-to-read street signs.

Try to keep them under 60 characters.

It makes them easier to read and share.

Avoid Unnecessary Words  

Cut out words that don’t add value, like “and”, “but”, or “the”.

Keep it short and sweet.

Use Hyphens to Separate Words  

Hyphens are your friends.

They make URLs easy to read, like instead of

SEO Product Titles: How to Optimize  

Your product titles are like headlines.

Here’s how to apply SEO to your product titles:

Include Primary Keywords  

Make sure your main keyword is in the product title.

For example, “Organic French Press Coffee Maker” helps people find exactly what they’re looking for.

Be Descriptive  

Give enough detail to make it clear. Instead of just “Coffee Maker,” say “Stainless Steel French Press Coffee Maker.”

Keep it User-Friendly  

Don’t stuff in too many keywords. Make it sound natural and inviting.

Implementing Internal Links  

Internal linking is like giving people a map to navigate your site. Here’s how:

Link Related Products  

Link to related products to help people find what they need. It also helps search engines understand your site better.

Use Descriptive Anchor Text  

When you link internally, use words that describe the link well.

This helps both users and search engines.

Maintain a Logical Hierarchy  

Organize your links in a way that makes sense.

Think of it like a road map, leading users from main roads (category pages) to side streets (product pages).

Monitoring and Updating URLs  

SEO isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it deal. Keep an eye on things and make updates as needed:

Use Analytics  

Tools like Google Analytics help you see how your URLs are performing.

Look for any problems and fix them.

Redirect Broken Links  

If you change a URL, set up a 301 redirect.

This is like putting up a “We’ve Moved” sign to guide people to the new location.

Stay Updated with Best Practices  

SEO trends change, so stay in the loop and tweak your URLs to keep up.

Moving Forward  

Getting your URL structure right is like paving a smooth road for both users and search engines.

By following these good practices, you can make your site more accessible and boost your SEO game.

Keep it simple, keep it clear, and keep it relevant. Happy optimizing!
