Your Law Firm

(Milton, GA)
Your Law Firm: From Technical Excellence to Purposeful Service
How Permission Marketing Empowered Your Law Firm to Achieve Remarkable Growth and a Warmer Sales Process

Customer - Kira Abernathy
Company - Your Law Firm
Headquater - Milton, Georgia
Industry - Family Law and Criminal Law
Employees - 1<
Location - Milton, Georgia

Website -

Business -

Your Law Firm aims to provide comprehensive legal services, focusing on serving clients in a deeply personal and impactful way. The vision is to become a one-stop shop for all legal needs. It's important that their clients feel supported and understood in every situation.
Your Law Firm, formerly known as Attorney KLA, faced significant challenges in scaling and redefining its brand identity.
Your Law Firm, formerly known as Attorney KLA, excelled in
technical proficiency but had the opportunity to expand its vision
to encompass growth and deeper client engagement. This focus
on technical excellence provided a solid foundation. Next, they just
needed to improve lead generation and create a warmer, more
personal sales process. The firm needed a rebrand and a
comprehensive marketing strategy to align with its new vision of
providing more personal and comprehensive legal services.
Permission Marketing was given the green light to overhaul Your Law
Firm's branding and marketing strategies.
We implemented services including SEO, branding, visual identity,
website creation, and both social and Google paid ads.
Additionally, we assisted with the brand transition from Attorney KLA to
Your Law Firm, making sure that the transfer of SEO authority and link
juice from the old domain to the new one was smooth.
“Permission Marketing has been a true business lifesaver. I had reached a point where I knew I wanted to change and transition from a “one attorney” centered law firm, to a law firm that had the potential to grow and last much longer than just the time of my personal career. The team was amazing and did an in depth discovery meeting with me and our team, to learn what it was I really wanted to achieve, helped me vet those goals and desires, and refine them. And then came up with a plan to execute against. And it has been amazing since day one. I am excited to continue working with Permission Marketing to grow and develop Your Law Firm PC!” - Kira Abernathy

Brand Identity Redesign

Created a new logo, visual identity, and messaging that encapsulated the firm's vision of service and growth.

SEO and Content Marketing

Developed a content strategy that increased organic traffic and engagement.

Sales Language and Process Optimization

Shifted the sales language to create a warmer, more engaging sales process, resulting in higher trust and conversion rates.

Website Creation and Maintenance

Designed and maintained a website that effectively communicated the firm’s new identity and services.
"I cannot express how invaluable the all-around services of Permission Marketing has been to our firm and to me personally as a "salesperson"! Really looking forward to what the future holds with our partnership!" - Kira Abernathy

The transformation led to significant improvements in various aspects of the business:

01 Increase in Organic Traffic

A substantial rise in website visitors due to effective SEO strategies.

02 Warmer Sales Leads

Leads entering the sales process were more informed and trusting, resulting in a smoother and more successful conversion process.

03 Enhanced Brand Perception

Positive feedback regarding the updated brand and its alignment with the firm's vision.

04 Scalability and Growth

The firm is now hiring additional staff and expanding its service offerings, moving towards its vision of a larger, more inclusive legal practice.


“One of the challenges I faced as an attorney who also has my own firm is the sales process. I really didn’t have any training or knowledge of the sales process when I started out. Thankfully, Permission Marketing stepped in and not only assisted with our brand transition, but also helped me assess, evaluate, and transform my sales process. I am more confident now when I speak to prospective clients and I can tell they are more comfortable with the process now, too." 
- Kira Abernathy
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