On Page Technical SEO

September 24, 2024
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On page technical SEO is all about making sure your website is set up so search engines can find, understand, and rank your pages.

This involves taking care of things like how fast your pages load, how well they work on mobile devices, and how your URLs are structured.

When you get your on-page technical SEO right, you’re building a strong foundation for your website’s success.

How Can Improving Page Speed Help Your SEO and User Experience?  

Page speed isn’t just a technical detail – it’s what makes your site easy and fast to use.

If your site is slow, visitors might leave before it even loads, which sends a bad signal to search engines.

By speeding up your site, you keep visitors around longer and make sure search engines know your site is a good place for people to visit.

Steps to Make Your Pages Load Faster  

  1. Make Images Smaller: Shrink your images so they load quickly without losing quality.
  2. Store Data Locally: Save some parts of your site in visitors’ browsers so it loads faster next time.
  3. Reduce Extras: Cut down on unnecessary elements on your pages to make them load faster.

Why Is Mobile-Friendliness Important for On-Page Technical SEO?  

With so many people browsing on their phones, having a mobile-friendly website isn’t just an option – it’s a must.

Google looks at the mobile version of your site first when deciding how to rank it.

If your site doesn’t work well on mobile, you could be missing out on a lot of visitors and potential customers.

Ways to Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly  

  1. Use a Responsive Design: Make sure your site automatically adjusts to fit any screen size.
  2. Simple Navigation: Make it easy for people to move around your site on a phone.
  3. Touch-Friendly Buttons: Check that all clickable items are big enough to tap easily on a mobile device.

What Tools Can You Use to Keep Your On-Page Technical SEO in Check?  

Keeping an eye on your on-page technical SEO is important, and there are great tools to help you do this.

Google Search Console is a free tool that shows you how your site is doing and helps you find and fix issues.

Chrome Lighthouse is another tool that checks your site’s speed, SEO, and more, giving you tips on how to make improvements.

Best Tools for Monitoring SEO  

  • Google Search Console: Tracks how your site is doing, finds problems, and helps you fix them.
  • Chrome Lighthouse: Audits your site for speed, SEO, and more, with actionable tips to improve.
  • Ahrefs: Offers deep insights into SEO, helps you track competitors, and finds ways to improve your site.

Why Does Structured Data Matter in On-Page Technical SEO?  

Structured data is like giving search engines a map of your content.

It helps search engines understand what’s on your page, which can lead to your content showing up in special features on search results, like rich snippets.

This makes your content more visible and inviting for people to click on.

Benefits of Using Structured Data  

  1. Better Search Visibility: Helps your content stand out with rich snippets in search results.
  2. User-Friendly: Presents information in a way that’s easier for visitors to find and use.
  3. More Clicks: Enhanced search results can lead to more people visiting your site.

Learn Technical SEO to Strengthen Your Website  

Learning technical SEO is key to building a strong, reliable website.

By focusing on the technical side of things, like page speed and structured data, you set your site up for success.

And if you need help, feel free to set up a chat with us.

Based on our discovery process, we offer a custom marketing roadmap to help align all your technical strategies with your business goals.

Wrapping Up  

On-page technical SEO is the foundation that supports your website’s success.

By paying attention to things like page speed, mobile-friendliness, and structured data, you make sure your site is ready to compete and win in search rankings.

Whether you’re just starting out or refining your strategy, these steps are key to building a strong online presence.
