SEO Audit Services for Technical SEO

July 2, 2024
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Did you know that many online businesses see big improvements in their search rankings after following recommendations from a thorough technical SEO audit?

Curious about what technical SEO audit services can do for your site?

These services dive deep into your website’s structure to find and fix issues that might be holding you back.

They also make sure your site stays updated with search engine algorithms, avoiding penalties and keeping you competitive.

In this article, we’ll explore what’s included in advanced technical SEO audits and the benefits they offer.

What is Included in Advanced Technical SEO Audits? 

An advanced technical SEO audit covers several key areas of your website to keep it running smoothly and performing well.

Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect from a thorough technical SEO audit.

1. Site Crawlability and Indexability 

One of the first steps in a technical SEO audit is to see how well search engines can crawl and index your site.

This involves checking your robots.txt file, sitemap, and looking for any crawl errors.

2. Site Speed and Performance 

Site speed is a big deal for both user experience and search engine rankings.

A technical SEO audit will measure your site’s loading times and identify what’s slowing it down, like unoptimized images, too much JavaScript, or server issues.

3. Mobile-Friendliness 

With mobile-first indexing, your site needs to work well on mobile devices.

The audit will check your site’s mobile usability and responsiveness to make sure mobile users have a good experience.

4. URL Structure and Site Architecture 

A clean and logical URL structure helps both users and search engines navigate your site.

The audit will evaluate your URL structure, internal linking, and overall site architecture to improve navigation and SEO.

5. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 

Security is important, and having HTTPS is a must.

The audit will check if your SSL certificate is correctly installed and if all pages are served securely.

6. Duplicate Content 

Duplicate content can confuse search engines and hurt your rankings.

The audit will identify and recommend fixes for any duplicate content issues on your site.

7. Schema Markup 

Schema markup helps search engines understand your content better.

The audit will check if you’re using the right schema types and if there are any errors in your structured data.

8. XML Sitemaps 

An XML sitemap helps search engines find and index your content.

The audit will review your sitemap to make sure it’s correctly formatted and up-to-date.

9. Error Pages and Redirects 

404 errors and bad redirects can hurt your SEO.

The audit will find and fix broken links, missing pages, and incorrect redirects to improve user experience and maintain link equity.

10. Server and Hosting Issues 

Sometimes, server settings and hosting problems can affect your site’s performance.

The audit will check server response times, downtime issues, and other hosting-related problems.

Benefits of Technical SEO Audit Services 

Using professional technical SEO audit services helps identify areas for improvement, allowing for the creation of an effective plan to better your website and drive business growth.

Let’s see how these services can help improve your online presence.

1. Improved Search Engine Rankings 

Fixing technical issues makes it easier for search engines to crawl and index your site, which can lead to higher rankings.

2. Better User Experience 

A technical SEO audit helps make sure your site is fast, mobile-friendly, and easy to navigate.

This leads to a better user experience, lower bounce rates, and higher engagement.

3. Increased Organic Traffic 

When your site is optimized for search engines, you’ll likely see an increase in organic traffic.

This is especially important for an e-commerce site where more traffic can lead to more sales.

4. Improved Security 

By implementing HTTPS and fixing security issues, you build trust with your users and protect your site from potential threats.

5. Strategic Insights 

A technical SEO audit provides valuable insights into your website’s performance and areas for improvement.

This helps you create a more effective SEO audit plan and prioritize your efforts.

6. Long-Term Benefits 

Addressing technical SEO issues has long-lasting benefits.

Once fixed, these improvements help maintain your site’s performance and adaptability to future algorithm changes.

7. Cost-Effective Solution 

Investing in a technical SEO audit can save you money in the long run by preventing bigger issues that could be costly to fix later.

It’s a proactive approach to keeping your site healthy and performing well.

Long term business benefits of having a good SEO plan – it’s bigger than your website.

A good SEO plan provides long-term benefits like increased visibility, more organic traffic, and better user experience.

It makes your website more credible and offers cost-effective marketing with a high return on investment.

SEO helps you delivers lasting results for the ongoing growth and success of your business.

The Bottom Line 

SEO audit services for technical SEO are essential for keeping your website in top shape.

Imagine your site running smoothly, attracting more visitors, and converting them into loyal customers.

Developing a comprehensive SEO audit plan and investing in these services can help your website perform at its best.

Contact us today to strengthen your website’s performance.
